Photoshop Tutorials
The following Photoshop tutorials contained on this page are in PDF Format and will require
ADOBE ACROBAT READER software to be installed on your computer.

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Photoshop Tutorial 21

New Tutorial

How to add colour to your image.
Adobe Photoshop (2022)

Learn how to add colour to an image using Photoshop. You will learn the basics of adding any colour to any part of an image. In this tutorial I will add colour to the roof of this Isle of Harris hut to change it to the more traditional rusty red colour that you see.

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Photoshop Tutorial 20

New Tutorial

How to use the Google/Nik Collection Filter
in Adobe Photoshop

This tutorial will show you how to use the Google/Nik Collection Color Efex Pro4 Filter called DETAIL EXTRACTOR in Photoshop CC.
The Tutorial will also show you how to apply
DETAIL EXTRACTOR in a controlled way using a Layer Mask in Photoshop CC.

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Photoshop Tutorial 19

New Tutorial

How to Soft Proof your Image for Printing

This tutorial will show you how to fine tune your image for printing.

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Photoshop Tutorial 18

How to pastelise an image
Adobe Photoshop

This tutorial will show you 2 quick methods to Pastelise an image

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Photoshop Tutorial 17

How to add a Graduated Filter in Adobe Camera Raw
Adobe Photoshop

This tutorial will show you how apply a Graduated filter in Adobe Camera Raw.

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Photoshop Tutorial 16B

NEW Revised Version

How to Merge to 32bit HDR Pro in Adobe Photoshop 2023
(This version does not create a new HDR Raw File)

This tutorial will show you how merge a set of Raw File images opened in Adobe Camera Raw to HDR in Photoshop 2023.
This version of Merge to HDR is the one that I use to enable me to photograph images in HDR that contain moving objects such as water.

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Photoshop Tutorial 16

NEW Modified Version for Photoshop 2020

How to Merge to HDR in Adobe Photoshop
(This version creates a brand new HDR Raw File

This tutorial will show you how merge a set of Raw File images or DNG File images opened in Adobe Camera Raw to HDR in Photoshop 2020.

A new HDR Raw File or an new HDR DNG file will be created that can be further processd in Adobe Photoshop.

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Photoshop Tutorial 15

Advanced Cropping and correction.

This tutorial will show you how to crop then correct any no image areas.

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Photoshop Tutorial 14

How to How To Prepare and Resize Your Image For Display on a Digital Projector

This tutorial will show you in simple steps how resize your image for projection.

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Photoshop Tutorial 13

How to Use Multiple Levels Adjustment Layers to Lighten, Darken or Adjust the Contrast of an Image.

This method involves the creation of 3 separate LEVELS Adjustment layers. One layer to, darken the image, one layer to lighten the image and one layer to adjust the contrast of the image.
The use of the layer mask that comes with the adjustment layer allows you to select which parts of the image you want to adjust.
You can see the effect of the adjustment as you go along.

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Photoshop Tutorial 12

How to Simply Tone a B&W Image Using Layer Blending

This tutorial will show you how tone your image using one extra layer and a blending mode.

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Photoshop Tutorial 11

How to Apply a Ready Made Border to an Image

This tutorial will show you how apply a ready made border to your image. (Numerous magazines give some of these borders away freely)

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Photoshop Tutorial 10

Creating a Digital Neutral Density Effect

This tutorial will show you how apply a graduated neutral density effect on an image where you should have used a graduated neutral density filter to correct the exposure for the sky at the time of taking the image.

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Photoshop Tutorial 9

How to Split-Tone a B&W Image.

This tutorial will show you how you can split-tone a B&W image.
Two Adjustment layers are used for this so that you can re-visit the image and change the split-toning any time you wish.

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Photoshop Tutorial 8

A Simple Way to Tone a B&W Image

This tutorial will show you how you can quickly tone a B&W image.
An Adjustment layer is used for this so that you can re-visit the image and change the toning any time you wish.

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Photoshop Tutorial 7

The DEREK DOAR METHOD of Converting a colour image to B&W

This tutorial will show you how to convert your colour images to Black & White using RGB Channel mixer and then to modify the tones within the image.
This method is better used for images that normally look flat on normal methods of conversion and will give you control over the whole tonal range of your image.

This tutorial has been modified to also show preparation of images to be converted to B&W in
Nik Silver Efex Pro

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Photoshop Tutorial 6

How to Diffuse the Black Tones in Your Image

This tutorial will show you how to simulate the Darkroom technique of Enlarger Diffision on negatives, by selectively blurring the black tones in your image.
This technique can be used to enhance your Infra-Red images.

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Photoshop Tutorial 5

How to Level Horizons

We have all taken images where the horizon is tilted.
This tutorial shows you how to correct them with ease.

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Photoshop Tutorial 4

An Alternative Method of Sharpening

This method of sharpening is done using the HIGH PASS FILTER and doesn't give the obvious haloes that unsharp mask does.

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Photoshop Tutorial 3

An Improved Method of Dodging and Burning

Dodging and burning should make an image lighter or darker
In this tutorial I show that the dodge and burn tools don't do this, they actually make the image whiter or blacker.
I will then show you how to dodge and burn to make the image lighter or darker, which is a much better method.

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Photoshop Tutorial 2

Apply Filter Effects Selectively

This tutorial will show you how to selectively apply filter effects to an image.

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Photoshop Tutorial 1


This tutorial will show you how to find the lightest and darkest parts of your image and how to set them as the white point and the black point. This technique is primarily intended for extending the tonal range in a low contrast image. If a known white or black is targeted in an image, it will remove the colour cast in those tones.

This tutorial will show you some of the different methods that are used to convert colour images to Black & White and shows the advantages and disadvantages of each method.


Adobe RGB (1998) vs ProPhoto RGB by Derek Doar

For some years now, since the Digital Photography revolution began, photographers have been recommended to use Adobe RGB (1998) as their working color space.
Photographic technology has moved forward at an alarming rate and given us better cameras, monitors, printers and software.

Is it now the time to change to ProPhoto RGB?
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